Sunday, September 28, 2008

HE'S COMING HOME! ...again ;)

Tim is flying home TODAY!! WOOHOO!! I have missed him! He's been gone since the 10th! He flies in tonight, and wouldn't you know, it's right while we'll be having our Lord's Supper. I will have to put some extra effort in being focused on our Lord, thinking and wondering about his safe arrival. I'm sure it will be fine. I'll gladly choose this moment tonight with my Lord and my Brethren. It will be an extra blessing to come home to my sweet husband afterward. What a great day this is going to be! I'm super happy!

BTW...Timmy is all moved in and settled nicely. He even sent me a message yesterday telling me that he loved me and to thank me for everything! Isn't it a wonderful message to receive from your children?! It still makes my heart flutter to hear those words. It's extra special to hear, not being their birth mother and receiving the love of one anyway.

I'm feeling EXTRA smiley today!! Roll Love Ya!!

Friday, September 19, 2008


WOW!! What a stressful day already!! My oldest is moving out this weekend. His plan was to move today before he had to work tonight. He works from 4pm-2 or 3am on most Friday nights. BUT the apartment complex won't give him the key until 3:00. That ruined all his plans. I told him he has the whole weekend, but I guess the ones that he was hoping to help will be busy, so he is totally stressing! I can't even talk to him when he starts stressing. So here I am, sitting on the computer, passing it off on all of you! :) Just kidding. I'm just writing to write really. I'm fine. He's not. he's grouchy! But what do you do.
This pic is of my oldest, Timmy, playing with Brooklynn, which is my daughters baby girl.
My husband was working in Miami yesterday. He finished the job and decided to drive back to the house instead of getting a hotel room. Well, it would normally take like 5-6 hours to travel that kind of distance, but it took them 10 hours! His overdrive went out at first, but they kept going... then the transmission started slipping and it wouldn't shift past 2nd gear. So they drove more than 3 hours in 2nd gear...slowly. I was praying that whole time for their safety. I hated not being there when he finally made it home. I want to hold him so bad and tell him how thankful I was that he was safe and how much I love him and that I'm so sorry he had such a hard time with the van. I miss him so much. It is the only reason I can't wait to move there.

I need to be with my husband. Pray for me about this. It's much harder than normal being away from each other. I think it's because we have so much going on and so many changes in our lives right now and we can't be together to strengthen each other through it all. We keep each other balanced. It's hard to be that for each other with this long of a separation. We do talk to each other often, so that's good. But it's just not the same as actually being together. Next week he works in Miami again, and then I think...I hope...he's coming home. Pray for Sis. Tina in this too. Her husband is with my husband. She seems stronger than me, but I think it MUST be hard for her too.

SO...I pray we ALL have a good day. I know I'm not the only one with things going on. I've been keeping an eye on everybodies blogs. I will remember you in my prayers. I love you much!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

AND HE'S GONE.....again

Well, that was a quick 3 1/2 days. Tim left this morning for our house in FL. Jobsites are panicking without him there. His phone rang like crazy yesterday wanting to know when he was going to be back down there. We didn't get anything done really. We just sat around together, soaking up each others company. I think he might be gone for 3 weeks this time, then come home to load us up and take us with him. I have A LOT to do in the next 3 weeks to be ready for him. At least Timmy has found an apartment. Timmy is our 22 year old that has been staying with us. I was VERY concerned about what he was going to do when we left. This is a HUGE relief for me. Well, guess I better get to work. Time goes by soooo fast and I have A LOT to do. Love to you all, jana

Saturday, September 6, 2008

YAY! My husband's coming HOME!

Tim is flying home from FL this afternoon! We are SOOOO excited!! Bounce It's been 2 weeks and I miss him SOOO much! I'll have him til Tuesday! We have a lot to do while he's here, but at least we'll be doing it together! My tummy has butterflies!Butterfly 2

I added a doppler radar to my page for our area in FL. I wanted to keep an eye on the weather there since my hubby has been there. If you look at it, our house is just under the Jacksonville area on the north-east side of FL. You'll see that it's not that far into the state, which means it's not as far as a drive ;)

I love you! Gotta go straighten up the house for Tim's arrival. YAY!

On The Cheek I love my hubby!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Great Weekend!

So...with all the talk of camping going on for the weekend, it really got me in the mood for a trip too! So 2 sisters and myself, with all our kiddos, decided to go camping for 3 nights at Lincoln State Park! It was a beautiful weekend! No rain, plenty of sunshine, cool evenings, wonderful time. We were 5 minutes away from Holiday World (an amusement/water park here in southern IN) so we visited there during the day.

My son, David, is a bit of a history buff, so he really enjoyed the fact that we were staying in the same area that young Abe Lincoln walked as a boy himself. The beach was clean, the bath house was clean, the DNR patroled regularly. I would definitely camp there again (for any of you that wonder about a safe place to camp). I wish I would have taken more pics at the campsite. The kids collected bugs, we cooked over the fire, tossed the football, explored the paths. It was nice. Peaceful. Here's a pic of the beach at sunset....

At Holiday World, we played a few games......

Cooled off in the water.........

Drove some cars (so cute to see the kiddo's driving. They think they're all grown up...or getting away with something major! lol....) This is 2 of Sis Dawn's kiddos...

This is my kiddo, David.......
This is Sis Tina's kiddo....
And my David again...
We had a real good time. I'm anxious to hear about Sky Camp! I will be checking everyones pages! Love you Lots! Sis Jana

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