Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Timmy is coming to FL today! I love Christmas time!

Hey all. I'm still fighting off this cold, but I'm getting better. I'm super excited today because Timmy, our oldest, is flying in to stay for a couple weeks! He was recently laid off from his job, and since Eddie (our cousin that was down here helping Tim work) has recently returned home to be back with his family, Timmy is coming to help his dad out. YAY! David is super excited to be with his big brother. It will be nice having him in the house again. I know that kiddo's grow up and move out, but sometimes...JUST's nice to have them back for a minute. Lots of Love! Gotta go clean and prepare! YAY!

I love Christmas time! It'll be even that much better with more family around. This is my tree. I couldn't fit my pretty angel topper in the pic, but you can kinda see my carousel under the tree. And I love the fireplace with the stockings. When I was young, my mom always put the best presents in my stocking. It was the best to me anyway. She would hide a small gift in a bunch of candy that would be sentimental just between her and me. Sometimes it would be a ring from her jewelry box that I admired, or a bottle of perfume that I loved or my diamond necklace that broke and I lost :( The stocking was my favorite part of the holiday. I try to do the same for my kids with stockings. A little something extra...just from mom.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

I'm sick *cough cough*

I have been sick since we got back from Indy. My throat started itching on the way back and I've been blah ever since...coughing, sneezing, drippy nose..ugh. I'm glad it happened after the family gatherings and not before. I would have felt that I needed to stay away as to not get everyone sick. So I am thankful for the timing...but not thankful for the sickness. I did spread it to my poor husband, though. And he went to work everyday this week with it. Poor guy.

It was good to be up with the family and in meeting again. I did handle it better this time when it was time to come back. Thank you for the prayers about that. It was torture last time. I didn't know how I was going to re-live that feeling over and over everytime I wanted to visit and had to leave again. My heart is still there, but I was okay with coming home to FL. It was actually nice to get back to the warmth. It is super weird running the air conditioner in December though! I hadn't really been out all week with being sick and all, so when I had to do some errands the other day, I put on my jeans, my favorite sweater (I LOVE SWEATERS!) and went out the door...turned around and came right back in and threw on a t-shirt! It was hot outside! My seasonal insticts are completely thrown! lol

Love you all. Hope to spend more time with you blogging when I'm feeling better. Thank you again for your prayers. <3

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