Friday, October 17, 2008


Ok..I am in a total "missing you" mode! I MISS MY BRETHREN! (...hence the new song added to my page) Tim and I was sitting on the back porch earlier today, talking through the bills and such, when he told me that he new I was missing church and that he completely understands me and knows how affected I am by being away. This took me off guard because we were no where near this subject in our conversation. I was about to cry just by his acknowledgment of my feelings when he said.."I will go right now and book you a flight for the weekend if you want me too." Of course, this statement opened the flood gates. He was being very loving and sincere to me. I love his respect and his love towards me. He is a wonderful husband! Although I was very compelled to say yes, I decided I would wait until we are better settled here. SOOO, Lord willing I will be sitting in meeting very soon! We've gotten through quite a bit of our stuff here, but still have quite a bit to put away before we go back for the rest. I LOVE YOU ALL!

Friday, October 10, 2008


WOW! What a tremendously busy week! We finally got the computer set up on Wednesday night, and I've not had a second to sit and type on it til now! It's okay, though. I just needed a few days to get things livable. The kitchen was the first to be unpacked, and the bath neccesities, then the office. Yesterday I took a break and didn't unpack a thing! David and I took Tim's daddy and nephew to the beach while Tim was at work. We all needed to get out of the house. Daddy and JR helped us get down here and unload the trucks and stuff. I'm very thankful for their help. We ended up driving straight through, so it really helped having them to share the driving. We had the big moving truck, my excursion, and another truck with a trailor. AND we still have stuff in the house back in Indiana! We are going to have to fly up and rent another truck to get the rest of it here! We have too much stuff!
Today I'm going to try to get the closets done. It's getting difficult digging thru bags to find something to wear! Oh, and I guess I'll go enroll David in school today, too. lol. He's had the whole week off. I figured he needed an adjustment period before he was thrown into the mess of a new school. He gets overwhelmed easily and I didn't want to throw him into shock, you know? Plus, Papaw is here! How could I send him off to school and make him miss out on Papaw!
I have pictures of our day at the beach, but I can't remember where I packed the adaptor for my memory card, so I can't get the pics on the computer yet. I'll post a few when I find it. Guess I better get to work on something. blah....I hate this part. Putting things away is NOT my favorite chore... Well, love you. Talk to you soon!

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