Sunday, July 25, 2010

WOW!!! It's been a longggggg time!!!

It's been so long since I've visited my blog that I had to reset my password just to get in! I guess Facebook has taken over my time and many of you are there also, so I just forgot all about updating the blog. For those of you who are not on my FB, feel free to add me! :)
Tomorrow is my birthday YAY but my husband is out of town on a job BOO so me and the kiddo are going to the movies tonight, his treat ;) I love my kid and our conversations. Todays topic was; when you are ready to get baptized, would it be up in Indiana with your family, here at the house in the pool, or in the ocean?! His only response was "there's not enough room around our pool for everybody to be here." <3 How sweet is he that his vision is to be sorrounded by his church family. I told him that it looks like it'll be in Indy then, since he expects everybody to be there! I LOVE IT! He's so wonderful. He loves our church and everybody in it so much. THAT makes me HAPPY!! :)
Have a WONDERFUL day! Catch ya later!! sis j~

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