Friday, May 22, 2009

Let's see if I remember how to do this! ;)

Today was a school field trip to Universal Studios..It rained pretty hard, but it was FUN! So, guess who was in DJ's group of friends..Joe..yep, Joe the known as Joe the BUDDY! Thank you for the prayers for that situation!! Praise God!!! This mother's heart is SOOO comforted!! You know, this field trip was so much more than just a super cool place to go..It let me see that DJ is finally adjusting to our move here. The field trip we took to the zoo in January had me concerned because he just didn't seem to know where he belonged, but now.. I'm so thankful to see how much he has grown and that he has started to adapt to life at his new school with new friends. He was very happy today, and therefore I am very happy.
Other news, my little grandbabies are turning 2! I can't believe it! It happens so fast. Brooklynn's birthday was May 19th and Kerah's birthday is June 2nd. We miss them sooooo bad. Planning on seeing them in June!!
Tim is strong and healthy, although he has had some funny activity with his heart. The other night he was afraid to go to sleep because he said he was having heart palpitations. He stayed up til around 4am and got out of bed at 10. I'm very concerned. He could use your prayers. He has had heart issues ever since I've known him.

We've had a lot of visitors here the last 6 months or so. It's been great! It has really helped me not feel so seperated! I'm adjusting to life here, although I miss church and my brethren terribly. I hope that NEVER goes away. If I stop missing it, then I'm in trouble! I've been trying to catch up with everybody on here. I've seen the sorrows and the joys and I'm glad to be able to pray for you and your loved ones.

Here's a pic of that storm Sis Frankie was referring to a few weeks ago. I took it from the top of the St. Augustine Lighthouse. Let me tell ya, seeing a storm cloud like that will get your prayer wheels turning!! lol. Tim thought it was a beautiful pic. It made him imagine the heavens opening up. It is rather that it's not a threat anymore! ;)
Have a safe and beautiful weekend!!

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