Monday, February 2, 2009

David's birthday

My baby boy is a teenager today! I can't believe it. I so don't want him to grow up. I want to keep him forever as my little boy. What am I to do? I'm already beginning to feel the "empty-nest syndrome" kicking in. *sigh* He's such a good boy. Thank you to my brethren that was aware to pray for him concerning his "bully" at school. We contacted the school and the counselor observed the boys,witnessed it happening. Then reported it to the Dean. The dean talked to the boy and DJ says that the boy is trying to be his friend now. I told him that I had asked Grandma to ask for prayer and he was glad. Praises to God for taking care of this for him. <3 Love you all.


Sis. Leah said...

Happy Birthday David!!! We love you and miss you. Hope you have a wonderful birthday. Also I think it is awesome that the bully has stopped messing with David. My heart broke when I heard of this, so know I can rejoice!!

Aunt Sissy said...

Tell David I said Happy Birthday and I love him. I can't believe he is a teenager. I'm so glad that things are going better for him at school.

Chelsea said...

Happy Birthday! And Sis. Jana you have years to go before you have an empty nest lol.

Sis Stubby said...

Tell David I said Happy Birthday!
Glad the bully is trying to be his friend now.

Jules said...

Awww, I know what you mean about wanting to keep our kids younger, longer. Happy birthday to you David! I'm sorry to hear about the bullying. I hate it that there are bullies in every single school. I can't stand them. It makes going to school miserable. Thank goodness, the bully is being nice now.

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